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Testimonials, Personal Stories, Feedback on dealing with Molluscum Contagiosum naturally with Lemon Myrtle Essentials


Some notes about Lemon Myrtle Essentials and its effectiveness with molluscum contagiosum:

Lemon myrtle as a natural remedy for molluscum contagiosum is one of the world's best kept secrets! Like you, many people have come to this site after having tried many other methods that didn't work for them. As this page's testimonials from customers show, people have tried apple cider vinegar, wheat grass, tea tree oil, blistering beetle juice, drugs like Aldara, Polysporin, Benadryl, seen dermatologists and had expensive treatments that didn't work. Having exhausted many avenues they came here and tried a natural product that is effective, smells really refreshing and can be used as a generally uplifting bodycare product!

This is not meant to be medical information, but provides information on what our customers have been using and benefited from. Lemon Myrtle Essentials is designed for refreshing wellbeing, but it turns out to have a wonderful bonus as an essential oil remedy for molluscum contagiosum! Many people were referred here for molluscum contagiosum as a result of positive feedback from people they knew.

Current available studies state that it works in most cases, as happens for natural remedies. However it's a very low cost item - the 100% pure certified organic essential oil (10ml) plus soothing balm and self-foaming soap is AUD $59 plus shipping, so the risk is not huge in relation to the potential benefit. Plus you can use it for so many other things that it would never be wasted!


Amounts are in AUD$ Australian Dollars.


Instructions will be included in your order



"To whom it may concern,

Just wanted to say that the molluscum treatment has worked wonders - like other testimonials on your site we saw improvement in just a few days and it was really wide spread - after a couple of weeks my daughter has just a few marks - brilliant. I am a GP in the UK and wondered if you had thought of doing a formal trial for this - can see that only a few small studies have been done so far.

Kind regards, Elizabeth James

(further email: Great to find something that works -so many parents come in asking about this and we usually just say there is not much you can do as most treatments are toxic/painful and ineffective.)"



Wow!! I just want to say a massive thank you for your products!! My 2 and a half year old daughter had molluscum for almost a year and they were still spreading. She had over 80-100 spots. We had tried everything we'd come across to get rid of them, nothing had worked. They were all over her legs and belly, and had started going onto her face!!


That's when we came across your products. What a difference! We saw results within the first week and after one month she is now completely free from molluscum!! She would cry when having a shower and wouldn't go swimming because of the pain they caused her. She is now a different child, enjoying our pool and taking long showers; playing with her toys under the water!! She can now wear pretty dresses and we don't have to worry about what people will think of the spots all over her legs! Your products have changed our lives, and we are soooo grateful!! Thank you so much!! God bless!

I have attached a before and after photo of one of her legs. The scars will take a while to heal, but you can see the massive difference!

M.Hofman, Australia

molluscum_MHofman Before an After

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After 13 months of complete torture, dermatologists and spending enormous amounts of money on every product possible (so I thought) to help my 5yr old daughter get rid of this most horrible and embarrassing virus I found Lemon Myrtle Essentials on Wikipedia! A product that actually works as promised!!! After 2 days I already saw a change in the bumps/liaisons on my daughter’s arm pit and legs.

Now nearly after one week the virus has shrunk significantly and a lot of the bumps have completely disappeared !! I purchased the Trio package which is so worth every penny and smells so lemon yummy. The Oil is very concentrated when I 1st used I did not use enough olive oil in the mixture dilution and my daughter’s skin did get a bit irritated but I used the balm and it calmed the irritation down. I have since learned how to dilute the oil so it’s not so strong a drop goes a long way… I will continue to use until completely healed! My daughter and I are so happy she can wear her sleeveless shirts this summer with no surprising looks from others thinking she has some kind of disease!

It’s amazing that in this day and age they don’t have anything more available to help with this virus and Dermatologist’s don’t like to suggest anything that is non-chemical! Telling me this could last for up to 4 years! Thank you to the internet!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :-D

Connie, New York City"

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Why choose Lemon Myrtle Essentials for your natural molluscum contagiosum remedy?


Order 2 sets to save on shipping! 

When you order 2 sets, the shipping price is the same as for 1 set.

Our Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil is 100% pure, organic, biodynamic, Grade A quality - the best available on the market and freshly distilled in Australia. Unlike large distributors or wholesalers, our essential oil is freshly distilled in smaller batches, bottled and shipped to you without long storage times, thus ensuring maximum freshness and potency.


Also, because it is 100% pure and organic, you are guaranteed a product which is exactly what it says, just as nature intended. The strict standards we apply to the formulations means that the products in the Lemon Myrtle Essentials range are virtually food grade. In fact, our organic lemon myrtle essential oil is used by gourmet chefs and food companies.

However, please note that lemon myrtle essential oil is potentially a skin irritant at 100% strength, so it's best to dilute to 10% in a pure vegetable oil (olive, sunflower etc) before applying topically on the affected area with cotton buds or q-tips directly onto the lesions, minimising contact with non-affected skin. A few have used up to 30%-50% for just a few days with reported good results for molluscum contagiosum at these strengths, but be very cautious, test first and go back to 10% if necessary. (For more general skin applications, ie, relaxation and massage, please dilute to 1% or less).


The Lemon Myrtle Soothing Balm works synergistically with the essential oil and is useful for soothing the skin, helping to ward off any further lesions once clear or to hold the fort if the skin needs a break from the stronger lemon myrtle essential oil.  Lemon Myrtle Self-foaming Liquid Soap is great for gently keeping the skin clean, minimising the risk of spreading the infection, with its natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Plus they all smell so refreshingly good!


We've put together an advantageously priced Molluscum Trio to help you get the most benefit with molluscum contagiosum.

Instructions on how to use the products will be included in your order of Molluscum Trio.


Visit Lemon Myrtle Essentials Facebook to share experiences of other molluscum customers


"I will be sure to order from you in the future and I have already recommended you to a few people as a great natural alternative to Polysporin for Molluscum Contagiosum!


Thank you again for your wonderful customer service and product (which I've even debated wearing as perfume!).

Michelle Payne, Canada"



"I cannot thank you enough! Our children suffered Molluscum for the past year, and we tried some VERY expensive treatments with zero results.


After feeling that there was no end to it all, we found you online and purchased your Trio pack. It arrived very quickly in the post, and we were AMAZED at the results. Our son's spots took only 2 weeks to completely disappear. Our daughter had hundreds of spots, but now only has about 20 and no new spots have appeared since we started this treatment. An absolute God send - thank you so much!


Tracy, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia"

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Recommended Lemon Myrtle Essentials remedies to alleviate Molluscum Contagiosum:

Molluscum Trio - Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil (100% pure) + Lemon Myrtle Soothing Balm + Lemon Myrtle Self-Foaming Liquid Soap $59 + shipping (best value and most popular)


These are the items in the Molluscum Trio. Please click on names for information on individual items:

Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil 100% pure, organic, biodynamic, Grade A quality - the freshest, most potent and best available on the market.

Lemon Myrtle Soothing Balm soothing properties, smells yummy, full of the best soothing organic ingredients, and good enough to eat!

Lemon Myrtle Self-Foaming Liquid Soap silky foam, goes a long way, cleans gently and naturally antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal. Natural organic soap.

All the products in the Lemon Myrtle Essentials range** (**except the fragonia and kunzea essential oils) are organic to the highest and purest standards, and would all be helpful in providing relief for the condition, but the items above are synergistic in their benefits. Please refer to Instruction Sheet.

We hope this helps. Please feel free to ask for further info if you need to.


We ship worldwide, mostly to Europe/UK, USA, Canada, Asia. Just enter your region in the shopping cart and click "recalculate" to obtain a shipping cost. Shipping to Europe/UK, USA and Canada takes 2-3 weeks. Please allow at least 1 week in Australia. These are estimates only , and we do our best to expedite your orders, but please be patient as we are only a small company and Australia is so far away from everywhere else! .We can do express shipping within Australia where required, for $5 extra (NOTE: This is for Australia only). Express shipping will take about 2-3 days as we are based in a rural area of Victoria, which adds an additional day.





I just wanted to write & tell you how wonderful your product has been with healing my sons molluscum - I'm actually astounded, as I'd tried other things & nothing seemed to work or made his sensitive skin worse.

I bought your trio pack (after a friend recommended it - thank goodness, as I was going crazy because of these horrible things that just kept appearing!) I received it mid July & within about 3-5 days after using it I saw a remarkable improvement, with about 50% of them gone! He had lots....mainly on his tummy, bottom & back of his knees. Currently (about a month on), he has pretty much none on his bottom & less on his tummy & the smaller ones on the back of his knees are gone too! I also found it calmed his skin down so much! He seemed to have acquired lots of redness around them, almost like dermatitis - this has gone too!

So, from a very relieved, happy & thankful mum, I wanted to thank you & tell you that your products are marvellous & were very effective for my little one!

Thanks again & keep making a brilliant product! Tanaé

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"Just to let you know that your product has worked fantastic on our daughters Molluscum. After just 2 treatments there were dramatic changes and after only 1 week of use (once per day) almost all of the Molluscum Contagiosum has cleared up. Thank you. I will recommend your product to as many people as I can.

Usage details - What strength dilution of lemon myrtle? It was 50/50. There was stinging for about 2 to 3 minutes then she was fine. We just put a cold pack on it. We realised that the stronger the solution, the faster it would work however our daughter has always had sensitive skin. 50/50 worked fine for us.   Greg Brown, Australia"


'"Lemon myrtle is like a miracle product. My son was diagnosed with molluscum of the legs most likely from being in a crowded swimming pool. Through his dermatologist and pediatrician, we were prescribed an ointment (that my son had a horrible allergic reaction to), and after a couple of months of no improvement, I decided to treat him in accordance with my holistic roots and researched various organic treatments.


I found lemon myrtle to be one of the top organic treatments with great success. after ordering the mist from your web site, and careful application, the molluscum decreased dramatically after only 3 days. After the remaining month, it is totally gone with no reoccurrence. I am a frequent user of the citrus essential oils. I enjoy experiencing various essentials, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, etc., but did not know about the wonders of this particular lemon - nothing short of amazing!      Jana Kolsen, NY USA."


"We love your products! The lemon myrtle oil is really working great on my children's molluscum. They are almost clear!! Now I never want to be without a backup supply of Lemon Myrtle!

I have 3 children. Two of them only had a few outbreaks, but my youngest son has (now HAD thanks to Lemon Myrtle,YEAH!) a severe case of molluscum. He also has eczema which unfortunately helps the molluscum spread. I was worried at first that the oil would irritate his sensitive skin, but it has not. I dilute the Lemon Myrtle oil 50/50 with an organic Morocco Euro oil and apply it to every "bump" with a q-tip 2-3 times a day. It has been like a miracle! The molluscum bumps turn red within a few days, then they get a very small scab and then it just falls off and fades away. I continue to apply the Lemon Myrtle oil throughout this whole process. It makes me feel good knowing that the Lemon Myrtle is not only getting rid of the molluscum but also keeping the area clean while the bumps are healing.

I would tell any parent to use Lemon Myrtle Essentials for molluscum. It really works! It has been less than a month and the results are unbelievable! Use it and be consistent, some "bumps" are more stubborn than others! An added benefit is that your children smell yummy all day!

We now also use Lemon Myrtle Essentials for all of our minor cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Of course, with lemon myrtle on you have less flying insects bothering you! It really is a wonderful product. I feel very lucky to have found it.

Thank you so much, Jennifer, USA."


"My purchase of your lemon myrtle essential oil is what FINALLY cured my son's molluscum when nothing else would. Thank you! Marla Pigozzi, USA."


"Love this product!! My son had molluscum contagiousum around his eyes. After 2-3 days of using the balm the problem went away. I'm so glad I found your website. I would highly recommend this product. I will be ordering more product very soon! Sincerely, Lauri Tuipala
San Diego, California"


"My daughter was infected with molluscum a few years back and the prescription the Dr. gave me wasn't working and I didn't want to get the "wart"-like bumps burned from her body. They were popping up everywhere and I was willing to try anything. After doing a lot of research a small piece of info kept coming up about Australian Lemon Myrtle so I bought it off of the Lemon Myrtle Essentials web site just to try it. It worked wonders for the viral infection she had!! It cleared it up in a little over a month. Love the stuff and still have a good supply of it. V.Lopez, USA."

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"Your lemon myrtle product is definitely drying up the molluscum! It is the first product that is clearing them up and seems to be killing virus, there are no new ones popping up as they heal.

Our son has been fighting molluscum for 7 months on his chin and neck. He's 9 years old and it has been very upsetting at school.


We tried Aldera (very expensive) on a doctor's recommendation, it tore up his neck, looked horrible and didn't work. Also the beetle urine (HORROR show with blisters and new growths popping up even in blisters).


Tried another internet product that dried them up but with sores and new ones were always popping up. Lemon myrtle heals, it seems to dry them up in a much more gentle way and yet really seems to be attacking the virus.The skin is really healing!


Please encourage people to try this FIRST, not to let the molluscum run its course because it will spread like wild fire and it's easiest to treat with just a few. The lemon myrtle will help, dilute and we use it a few times a day! Thank you so much. This has been a lifesaver,and it smells yummy too!

H. Rofhok-Pirone, NY, USA."



My son has been diagnosed with Molluscum for the second time. The first time we went to the dermatologist and they treated him with "blistering beetle juice." This treatment forces blisters on each "bump" and was painful. I did some research to find an organic cure and I found the Lemon Myrtle essential oil. I have been using the organic lemon oil on my sons molluscum with great results. After 1 week I noticed a difference. When my son goes to school, I put the lemon myrtle oil on a bandage and cover his "bumps." I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking to cure molluscum!

Alexandra - Illinois USA



"I ordered the Molluscom pack a few weeks ago and it has worked amazingly on my two sons who have had it for months. Thank you

Kimberly Cole, Rochester, NH, USA"


"Well, my daughter's molluscum was horrendous! All over her body, from large to miniscule. We had been boosting her immune system prior to using the lemon myrtle as our naturopath had suggested that this would help.


But we saw results with the lemon myrtle within two or three days. The large ones started to die, and the tiny ones just started to disappear! The balm was really helpful because we were able to smooth it over large areas. Seriously, she had hundreds of them. The other thing is that I LOVE the smell of the lemon myrtle. And so did my daughter. Thanks so much for creating this product!!   


Angela Lawrence, Canada"


"I bought Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil and applied it diluted with water to my Molluscum Contagiosum twice a day. It took a while to figure out application with a Q-tip submerged in water and them tapped onto the lid of the bottle was enough. I went from having 9 lesions to only 2 in 2 months. As I'm an adult i think it took longer and my skin is sensitive so i needed a smaller dilution. Without this product it would have taken many more months! Thank you! Every day they get smaller! I think by a month I'll be completely cured."



"I am so HAPPY I made this purchase - you have absolutely no idea.

My 4 year old has had Molluscum Contagiosum on his chin for nearly two years. One dermatologist prescribed Aldara, which was cheap with our insurance, but did little, took forever, and when it appeared it may have worked - the Molluscum came back! Our pediatrician said it would go away on it's own and I was done messing with Aldara, it was hard to keep on and the routine seemed endless. But then a bump appeared near my son's nose and another about 2 inches from his eye; the thought that these things were going to overwhelm his face worried me. I decided to try your product.

At first I used just the sample balm that came with the essential oil shipment. First day the balm seemed to make molluscum shrink. I couldn't really tell, but then I forgot to apply it one day and the molluscum definitely grew! I decided to try the essential oil. I put 4 drops in a paper cup, then put in a 1/4 teaspoon of oil (that's more than 50% olive oil mix) and applied it to a few of the bumps on my son's face with a Q-Tip. He said it itched. I put some one myself and even at that dilution it did itch a bit - but it stops after about 5 mins. Here's the magic - I put the essential oil mix on ONCE, since it itched I went back to the balm after that.


Three days later, with less than a total of a week treatment with the balm, the molluscum on my son's chin and temple, that one that was there for two years, were TOTALLY GONE and there were no scar whatsoever. The one near his nose disappeared a day later.

The one near his eyes we're dabbing slowing with tiny amounts of the balm, just to be safe.

This stuff is AMAZING! We'll be ordering more balm in the future.

New York City"


"Bought products last week & notice the difference in my son & daughters molluscum 2 days. FABULOUS PRODUCTS!!!! :
Heidi Cockburn, Australia"



"Well, we are on day number 5 of treatment and they are almost gone. This is truly amazing. WOW!

My son is so happy because they were on the side of his face and he was getting teased. Now they are just small scabs that are almost ready to fall off. It is amazing how it dries them out and shrinks them. 3 of them are completely gone and those were the small ones.

Great stuff.

Thought you would like to know.

Madeline Ruiz, USA"



"I would also like to rave about this product for Molluscom in children. My 2 year old had the virus for about 6 months. We were told by the doctor it would go away on its own but 5 months later it had spread and looked a lot worse. A friend recommended Lemon Myrtle to me and with 3-4 weeks it has completely gone!!! An amazing product!! Thank you so much it means I can take my little one swimming again,!!

Rachel Arthurson, Vic, Australia"


Customer's comment on the Lemon Myrtle Essentials Facebook page:

The stories are what drew me here. I had the same experience, take my son to the doctor, they give him retin-A, I use it for a few months his ezcema flares up...molloscum spreads...i find this site, use the oil for a week...almost gone. unbelievable. I really thought they would never go away!! Thank you so much!

Danielle Scholotiuk, Canada


A very detailed testimonial for those of you who have lots of questions and want to know more

Molluscum breakthrough!  A customer describes exactly how she used Lemon Myrtle Essentials to get results.



"Hi, just thought I’d also add how fantastic the lemon myrtle oil is for clearing up mollluscum. My 4 year old had a severe case, covering his thighs, behind the knees and it was moving up on to his stomach and arms when we discovered your product. It took consistent application of the diluted oil (with olive oil) morning and night, applied with a cotton tip, but they eventually form a scab and swell slightly, then are gone. We too were told to let it run its course, but it was a terrible looking infestation, which we had to keep covered with clothing (during summer) – I’m sure he would still have it if we hadn’t found your product. I am now trialling it on a rash which I have, after having an allergic reaction to an antibiotic – severe hive like red skin blisters all over – I will let you know how it goes!

Thanks Again!
Andrew, Tamai & Lachlan Davidson, NSW. Australia"




"I just have to say I love the products! My 3 year old had Molluscum for almost a year. We took him to his doctors, the ER when it was spreading to his legs and started itch him so bad he cried and wouldn't let anyone touch his legs.


They gave me Benadryl and told me that was all I can do. I was so mad that I couldn't do anything for him. The itch medicine wasn't working or Benadryl. I start looking online for something and that is when I found Lemon Myrtle Essential on Wikipedia. I bought the Molluscum trio that day. Once I received the package we started using it that day. We washed with the self-foaming liquid soap every day and used the balm on his face and the bumps that were more troublesome.


Within a week of using it they were going away, he stopped itching the bumps. Less than a month of using the products they were gone!! I wish I would have found your products sooner! And I would recommend the products to any parent that has a child with Molluscum!

Shelli Bowling, USA"



"I would love to give your product a testimonial after having huge success for my daughters molluscum -


After 6 months of getting nowhere with doctors and chemists saying there was no treatment for molluscum contagiosum, my 6 year old daughter didn’t want to go to school as her uniform showed the 100 spots on her legs and thighs. Some would also get infected and painful.


After months of googling I came across some parents in the USA raving about some Aussie cure. Being a huge skeptic the only reason I tried lemon myrtle essentials was because it was so cheap and I had nothing to lose.


Unbelievably, within a week all of the 100 spots were gone and no new spots reappeared. Also given that it was contagious I have just found my 3 year old now has them around her knee area. I have counted 10 spots and I am now going to see how quickly they disappear.


I also found it brilliant to use for kids (no covering up each spot with bandaids like some other products say to do). I gave them the Foaming Soap to wash the area in the shower each night and I used a cotton bud and dabbped Soothing Balm on each spot each night and day.


Each spot seemed to dry and heal within 24 hours. Can't recommend this product highly enough and now am telling every doctor, chemist and health nurse I see.


Karlene Goss
Darkan WA USA"




Yet another unsolicited review:

"I never leave reviews on products but I just had to write and say thank you! My 3 1/2 old girl has been troubled with eczema since she was 5-6 months old. A few months ago she developed molluscum. It started out with 3 or 4 bumps. I took her to see her dermatologist and he said not to worry about them and there was nothing he could do but burn them off and that would cause a lot of pain to my daughter. Well within a few weeks after that visit the molluscum spread violently. I believe she had about 80 to 100 bumps, some were very red and looked painful. So I took her to see my family doctor and he said all he could do is freeze them off and that they should go away in a few months or a year by themselves! I could not let her condition continue and would not accept the doctors recommendations.

So I researched the internet and found your site. I ordered the Molluscum Trio and started out using the balm and the oil mixed at 10% with olive oil. These are the steps I took: I gave her a bath every night with the lemon myrtle soap, I made her wear clean pajamas every night. I started out using the oil at 10% mixed with extra virgin olive oil which I would put on every night and the balm every morning. I gradually worked up to 30%-40% oil mixed with olive oil. I was extremely careful with the lemon myrtle oil as my daughter has sensitive skin. I ran out of the balm so now I just use the oil mixture every morning and night.


I have followed this for a week and two days now and she has only 5 or 6 bumps left and a lot of bumps that have dried up, healing and going away. AMAZING!!! I just can't describe in words how happy I am and that is worked! I hope this review helps other parents and I was a non believer but you have to try this if you have problems with molluscum. Also it did not irritate her eczema and think it may of helped it some. Shelly From Ohio, U.S.A."



"Thanks so much, it arrived safely a few weeks ago and is already working wonders. Just brilliant - thanks!


Victoria Humphries"

More products in the Lemon Myrtle Essentials range here


Usage and ingredient articles on Lemon Myrtle Essentials Organic Australian Bodycare here


Visit Lemon Myrtle Essentials Facebook to read about experiences of other molluscum customers.



"Just to let you know I ordered your lemon myrtle molluscum pack following one of my children being diagnosed.....I was using the taping method prior to the products arriving as our GP had advised, then continued with both. We would wash him with the foaming soap every night in the shower, then after the shower we applied the balm to all spots then we taped, mostly with micropore but with a waterproof one if we were swimming. Quite a long and laborious process but pleased to say after 6 wks of this they are finally gone, we are continuing with the soap and a general balm application – it really smells so good!, and finally all 3 children are bathing together again, so am using the essential oil as well now with a few drops in the bath every night. So thanks J, wouldn’t hesitate to recommend your products -  Nerine, WA Australia"




I recently purchased the Molluscum Contagiosum Trio Set for my daughter. After just a few days her skin started to look better and a month on we have banished those nasty little lumps. I am now using the soap myself... it smells so nice. Your product is ah-mazing. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Kelly Holcroft, Australia



"I can't thank you enough for your wonderful product! My 2 year old daughter was covered in molluscum, her stomach, arms, legs, vagina. It seemed like a never ending battle.


We attempted dermatology treatment which was terribly painful and left her with blisters and scars, it seemed to only spread worse from that point. After one treatment I swore to myself I would never do that to her again and went on a search for an alternative approach.


After 3 months of religious application of your lemon myrtle essential oil she finally has clear molluscum free skin. I've let our pediatrician know the wonders of the product, and he's amazed at the results! Thank you SO VERY much for giving us hope and a cure! Danielle (Bridgewater, Michigan USA)"



Having struggled to find anything in the UK that had an effect on my son's Molluscum I trawled the internet and happened upon your site. The testimonials were positive and I decided to give it a go and placed an order to be sent from Australia. I decided to start off by trying just the balm and was amazed at the results. The existing lesions began to dry up in days and the rate new ones appeared slowed dramatically. He has now been clear for 3 weeks. It is so good to finally rid him of this ugly skin condition. Thanks for your brilliant product, I would definitely recommend it.
Sarah Jones, UK



"After a desperate attempt to rid of them ugly molluscum contagious I found throughout the internet that you could help with the Lemon Myrtle oil. I used it and soon after all were gone! that was about a year ago and I have not had them back since. I just wanted to say thank you and to all people that are suffering from this or their children this stuff really works like magic!
Soraya Ontiveros
Houston, TX"



I was told by my daughters Dr there was nothing I could do about them and they would go away in a year or two .. I used your products and they were completely gone within a few weeks - she has some scarring left but just small dots on her upper legs but thats it - its been a year now for us and none have come back ... I have kept the kit just in case they do come back but they are showing no signs of it!!

Karen Bowen, Victoria, Australia




In 2012 my daughter went to see the GP about some bumps that had began to appear on the back of her neck that were extremely itchy. Initially the GP thought it was a skin reaction but cortisone made the bumps spread more. The use of antibacterial cream made no difference.


Then finally he diagnosed it as Molluscum Contagiosum and recommended Lemon Myrtle oil. After 2-3 weeks of lemon myrtle application the bumps began to clear and the itch was much relieved. We have no hesitation in recommending people try Lemon Myrtle if they have been diagnosed with MC.

GD, NSW, Australia



I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to have found your product.

My daughter was diagnosed with molluscum back in November of 2012. Her doctor prescribed a cream that did not work. It burned her skin and was leaving scabs and scars. I searched the Internet and came across your product. I cannot tell you how amazed we are after using the lemon myrtle since January of this year. Her skin is almost completely clear with no scarring I might add. She also uses the self-foaming soap, which seems to keep the outbreaks at bay. My daughter is no longer self conscious about wearing short sleeve shirts again. She can concentrate on being a happy little six year old! Thank you so much! I am definitely passing this info on to the pediatrician so no other patients have to go through this pain.
Denise & Sophia Virga



Hi, just wanted to let you know that we've had good results using the mulloscum products we ordered from you. Our 5 year old has had mulloscum for about 3 months, but it started clearing up pretty soon after we started using the oil. It's not 100% better yet, but a huge improvement on how it was.

So thank you!


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I would just like to add our testimonial regarding the use of Lemon Myrtle essential oil in combating molluscum.

Our five year old boy had been suffering with a minor bout for over a year, we had a weekend away and have to admit we were a little lax in bathing and changing clothes, the next week his Molluscum had increased 5 fold and was on his arms, groin, chest and knees, angry, raised and frightening.

I studied as much information regarding this unsightly virus that I could digest in a couple of days. I read about Lemon Myrtle Essential oil on a medical forum and decided to order the product via your website.

I made a rough mixture of 10 parts olive oil and 1 part Lemon myrtle essential oil and dabbed each and every spot with the concoction morning and night, we were very diligent and did not use the same pyjamas or clothing more than once.

After about 3-4 days we noticed a marked reduction in the size and severity of the spots and he was completely clear after about three weeks.

We are very fortunate to have found this product and to have had such a great success in its use.

Best regards Philip Schwarz



Lemon Myrtle Essentials, what more can I say, a truly amazing product!


The Molluscum Trio range saved my 13 year old daughter from further months of discomfort and embarrasment from a severe case of molluscum contagisum on her legs and arms. After a visit to the GP and then referrals to a skin specialist whom recommended steroid creams which unfortunately burnt my 13 year old daughters legs and left several pit scars, I researched on the website for a natural remedy for molluscum.


Lemon Myrtle Essentials Molluscum Trio cured her spots with no discomfort and amazingly within weeks. Her legs have now healed, the pit scars are fading and our happy, active girl is back!



I would like to give you an unbiased testimonial to the effectiveness of Lemon Myrtle oil in curing the molluscum virus. My daughter got this plague from day care and the spots spread from her legs to back. Doctors said no swimming, no shorts, no gym sports like swimming etc.

The dermatologist confirmed the diagnosis but had no solution, other than expensive laser treatment that was not covered by insurance.

I bought a small amount of Lemon myrtle oil and combined it 1:5 with olive oil. After a dozen nightly treatments applied to the spots with a q-tip, the results were amazing.  My daughter was disease free and it never returned.


Her doctor was dumbfounded, as he had never seen such a speedy and complete recovery.  I wrote down the recipe for him but I doubt he learned anything.

It works and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Thank you! M.Hiddie


A big thankyou , my daughter is now completely free from molluscum after using your product for approximately 6 weeks. She can now wear her hair up without worrying about her"bubbles" ! Thanks again Jude from the U.K




Thank you for the pack. I have been washing my son in the foam wash and putting the oil diluted with olive oil on his spots for 5 days and I can already see improvement. What a relief..

Danielle Rayias



..the molluscum pack is A-MAZING!!! My daughter had heaps of the awful things on her inner thighs, so annoying and painful. Used the molluscum pack for about three weeks, and most of them are GONE!!! After her having them for about 5 weeks with NO LUCK, this was a god send. Thanks guys!

Shelly Powell



Your molluscum package has worked a treat on my son who had suffered with this for 6 months before we found your products. T


Two weeks of using it and the big ones are gone just a few small ones to go.

So I used some drops of oil in a cleaning bucket last weekend for cleaning a house we have sold it was magic smelled beautiful and cleaned super well. I tried a drop on a dish cloth in the sink to do the dishes at home and wow sparkle and shine and cut through grease like nothing I have ever used.




Latest results and pictures from Kirsty Rackham, another happy customer:
"Just wanted to let you know how fabulous the lemon myrtle worked with my sons m.c. He was covered in spots on his tummy, legs & one arm. His arm was literally covered in spots that were very raised & would bleed often when knocked. Within 2 weeks of using your products his spots had dramatically decreased & now 4 weeks later they have completely vanished. So glad I stumbled onto this page. Thank you again Kirsty."

molluscum_KRackham Before and After

we are so thankful we found you


My ten year old son is a keen swimmer, but caught molluscum contagiosum from the pool. His case spread over much of his body, and his stomach, legs and arms have been covered in spots for 10 months. We had been to the doctor three times about it spreading. He also has eczema, and it was just getting worse and more itchy. He felt very self conscious about it.

On the last visit to the doctor, my GP suggested that I follow the Children's hospital website advice and apply duct tape to each Molluscum, leave it for two days and then rip the tape off (and he added that my son could develop an allergy to the duct tape!).

I was desperate to avoid this treatment, googled alternative treatments and came up with your website. I was skeptical about results, but bought the Molluscum package.

I cannot believe the results. Within the first few applications, we saw results. My son had a bad case of the virus, with perhaps 100 individual Molluscum. Just three weeks after buying the treatment and following the application instructions three times a day, my son is free of the virus.

Your product is a god send. My boy is now looking forward to a summer free of the hideous bumps, and is looking forward to his first bath in 10 months.

Your website is humble in its claims... You never promised a cure, but we are so thankful we found you.

Thank you,
Justine, NSW, Australia

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Myself and my son have been using the soap. I originally bought it as my son is suffering from molluscum, with the soap and the oil some of them have disappeared we are still continuing with the treatment.


I began using the soap as I suffer from small pimples on the back of my thighs when I am stressed. I was amazed how quickly they cleared up when using the soap and how moist and smooth my skin became.

Thank you, Marianne Bartley, Australia

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